
Wednesday, March 7, 2007

International Financiers - in Finance and Policy

In the world of finance, international bankers or international financiers are individuals or financial institutions that have substantial international presences. This includes most investment banks and many of the largest banks in most nations. International banks are challenged by the need to comply with a wide range of national banking legislation. There are a number of associations for international bankers, such as the The Institute of International Bankers.

International financiers and international bankers may also be used to refer to international finance institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

International Financiers - in conspiracy theory

Used to describe the banking cabal:

Refers to a shadowy cabal of bankers and wealthy individuals involved in various worldwide plots. These groups include members like the Federal Reserve and the Rockefellers, although some may say that the terms are used by anti-Semites to refer to Jews. Which ignores the fact that Jews are not the only Semitic people, and international financiers are by no means solely Jewish.

Adolf Hitler, who was financed and put into power by corporations such as Union Banking, Thyssen, Bank of England and others; often blamed "international financiers" or sometimes explicitly "Jewish international financiers" for Germany's debt after the First World War. In a similar vein, Henry Ford wrote an anti-Semitic tract entitled The International Jew, and references to "international bankers" were used by Charles Coughlin for the same purposes.

Hitler found his power through many corporations and banking institutions of the UK, US, Germany and other western nations. It was after the second world war that the founding of the nation of Israel was created stemming from what is known as the Balfour declaration.

Examples of the alleged crimes by the international financiers include the funding of the Confederate Rebellion, the assassination of Lincoln, the assassination of John Kennedy, the financing of communism in Russia, the rise of Hitler, the 9/11/01 attacks on the World Trade Towers in New York, etc. Perhaps so, and these assertions require further study.

However, the assertion as to the rise of Hitler is easily seen to be presumptive, un-provable and ignores the great bulk of actual history, such as WWI and the punitive post war sanctions against Germany. Moreover, what is know about the financing of Hitler's rise to power does not point to Jewish sources.

The International Finance Corporation

International Finance Corporation 2121 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20433 USA Contacts... IFC has 179 member countries, which collectively determine its policies and approve investments.

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) promotes sustainable private sector investment in developing countries as a way to reduce poverty and improve people's lives. IFC is a member of the World.

IFC is a member of the World Bank Group. It finances and provides advice for private sector ventures and projects in developing countries in partnership with private investors and, through its ...

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